Credibility in Marketing

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Credibility has become a topic "in fashion" today, especially online or when you want to sell a product or service. Our age is one in which, certainly, the facts are more important than promises, if you're an online business owner, one of the most significant problems that may occur, is credibility: you have to convince users that in indeed there is something behind a site with a nice design and which, at best, observe the rules of usability - it is your task is to provide buyers / users promoted the image online is reliable and thus make them come back. 

In general, the credibility of results from the evaluation of several dimensions simultaneously, the researchers identified more confidence and experience as two major components of credibility. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify and distinguish the concepts of online trust rather refers to the possibility that users have enough "courage" to use Internet technology and reliability, so that you more than what is called in English " believability " , ie the apparent authenticity and truth.Credibility online is indeed a difficult task, but to be fulfilled in order to have a thriving online business. Studies conducted on Internet users have disclosed that they are quite reluctant about shopping online (a survey conducted by the Stanford-Makovsky University in 2002 on a sample of 1481 people, showed that only 52.8 % of respondents considered credible information on the Internet.) 

Why is credibility important?

Credibility is essential to getting the men to register, to click on your banner, download your program (if you're a software developer) or call, in general, your services. So credibilitea is essential to ensure reasonable conversion rate (conversion rate = number of clicks that were converted into shares), on the other hand, should be added that the term includes several subdivisions and credibility: usability, accessibility, security, search engine ranking, etc.. There are quite a few sites worldwide that focus on all these issues. The result - very few manage to gain credibility in front of customers / visitors. 

37 steps to reach a credible website
  1. Images of people "real"
    A concrete example of this is post pictures of team colleagues, and this may have two implications for your business: first, your team will have a high level of self-esteem because they feel appreciated and valued and at the same time, site visitors will see your "best eyes" . The possibility that they become customers will increase considerably.
  2. Contact Visible
    Watch as a separate section of the site to enter contact details of the organization (physical address, phone number, email, fax, etc.).. Fixed coordinates of a company increase visitor confidence and say that behind this site, there is a real organization.
  3. Replies fast, flexible and individualized customer needs
    Every customer wants to see the care and respect from the provider of services or products. Individual responses by email may have a beneficial effect on business, the opposite is, for example, auto-response emails, which can become irritating if a customer problem persists. Timeliness is also key for another period to have happy customers.
  4. A useful site for customers
    If you have an online business and have a relatively new site, it is quite difficult to get new customers. One idea might be to publish useful information to help clients come - for example, an ecommerce site could develop a section with articles that are offered additional information about how to buy the card on the Internet. Or, if the object is trading business ties, may be included articles about the code of good manners or how to get a business lunch. So, simply promoting the products and services on the Internet, most often, is not sufficient.
  5. Easily verifiable information
    Indication of references and resources that leads to reliable sites, will surely convince visitors of your good intentions and will, to some extent, your position in the market, not only will you be a sense analytical, but will also show some interest for placing information in context.
  6. Updating the site regularly!
    New information almost always attract new visitors. Sometimes it is better to add graphics or specific signs that indicate the presence of new content. It attracts attention and is an advantage.
  7. Organizing the site primarily in a professional manner and, secondly, in an aesthetic way
    A site with a neat appearance shows usually a good organization at a structural level. The result - a reliable and easy to use site. Warning, remember that a design "good looking" will not ever hide a site with a function is wrong!
  8. Managing banners and publicity materials on site
    Even if you provide services for other companies advertising on your site (banners, ad's), they must be managed very carefully. There must be a balance between the actual content of the advertising site. If the first you overtake the second, clearly, is loss of credibility level. Also, the code used on the site, rich content in flash should be avoided because it may damage the site indexed in some search engines, especially if he was at the beginning - why is that spiders capture Flash content more difficult.
  9. Avoid errors of all kinds
    The same study mentioned earlier shows that any small mistake, even punctuation, when it is detected, may result in loss of trust from users. Read and reread, so carefully!
  10. Testimonials from satisfied customers
    A satisfied customer is one step ahead of competitors. The likelihood of being recommended further, if a customer satisfaction is quite high and thus will increase their number. And in November visitors often read so-called"testimonials" , often based their decision to purchase a good or contrary opinion.
  11. Citing "brilliant minds"
    Many successful sites are on the home page quotes, sayings, dicta, that fit their business, often used as marketing strategy, a good idea, again, could be that the site is paraphrased from a personality specific business activity that site.
  12. Interviews with various personalities on the website
    Depending on the type of your site and conduct business that would not hurt to be interviewed various personalities who can offer tips, advise you and, ultimately, it is one more reason for visitors to return to the site.
  13. Responding to customer emails
    As mentioned before, the response to customer emails is a sign of concern for their problems. Probability of unhappy customers is, if a high response rate, fairly low.
  14. Involvement in charity
    If you have already gained enough notoriety to bring your appropriate contribution to participate in community and charitable events. Sponsorship of such events will increase visitor trust and respect. On the other hand, must avoid excessive promotion of the event due to a potential harmful effect. Self-praise ...
  15. Disclaimer This site has!
    Do not forget to include in a section of the site structure, to be mentioned in the terms and conditions of use. In these cases, most often need the help of a lawyer or an expert in legal matters. In general, the terms and conditions (well-known End User License Agreement) should contain items such as: 
    • information about the owner of the right content on the site;
    • description of services or products offered;
    • that the holder is entitled to change the content published on the site;
    • Who is the service / program or the site;
    • protection of privacy or personal information;
    • details about the owner of trademark registrations, etc..
    Terms and conditions vary from one site to another depending on the profile and activity.
  16. An email address visible
    A contact email address type "" is often recommended when you want to gain the trust of the visitor, because it makes the organization"xxx" to appear as a single entity, individual. or address does not guarantee in any way the seriousness of business.
  17. iframe src="" width="300" height="250" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0">
  18. Registration site in relevant directories
    A policy to promote efficiency is always constructive, when your site is recommended by other sites that users already know and whom they trust, they will see with different eyes your business.
  19. Providing links to outside materials and resources this
    Do not use the information that is not yours, without giving the name of the author or right holder, you can prevent the risk of legal action against you and you will ensure more traffic, if the form links with other sites relevant to your business are trying to promote.
  20. Site Promotion and other non-Internet environments
    Site Promotion among print media or audio-visual environment will certainly bring more awareness to your site. You can think and unconventional methods of promotion - advertising in new places, graffiti, advertisements in student dormitories, etc..
  21. "Restatement" site URL, so they are more accessible
    The site carries an organization, usually with the same names or products / The services they promote. This makes it easier to find on the Internet and will provide visibility brand name or company.
  22. Change the site (if applicable)
    It is common knowledge that such areas . "com" , ". I" or . "org" have more credibility than those ends, for example, ". ro . However, costs must be considered and the location of the site on a domain that ends in ". com" and the recipients of your business.
  23. Design your site according to the services and products promoted
    It is desirable that the appearance of your site, be similar to products that need to be sold, the discrepancy between them will maintain a low rate of sales.
  24. Print friendly web pages
    It is advisable to use a button on "print your page" on every page of the site, preferably at the top.
  25. Service "live chat" customer
    Such a facility will enhance the bond you have with customers and will provide more certainty and confidence in the products / services they offer.
  26. Improve search engine position
    This step is very difficult to accomplish, the more so as it includes many of the issues mentioned earlier, the result of a long and difficult process that involves consuming more resources.
  27. Access to the site without authentication enabled
    Authentication should be an exception and only when absolutely outstanding.The same study mentioned earlier, the Stanford-Makovsky conducted in 2002 revealed inconvenience among users of various Internet sites, when they were forced to authenticate. At the same time, we must not forget that in the time of registration, the required data must be very few.
  28. Respect the rules of usability
    A usable and easy to navigate site is one in which information can be found easily by users. 
    Some rules of usability that can be taken into consideration are: 
    • A good impression at first sight
      • a simple URL address
      • a title that can be seized immediately
    • A general view friendly
      • which is easy to read
      • using the ALT tag for accessibility
      • that's easy to print
    • An easy navigation
      • with a clear structure
      • with links that have a clear textual content
      • consistency
      • that shows a search tool and a site map
    • Useful content
      • with a clear objective
      • with well-defined target audiences
      • quality
      • well organized
      • regularly updated
    • According to user needs
      • style and tone appropriate
      • Accessibility for people with disabilities
    • Clear Contact
      • organization name and contact information must be present on every page
    • Search Engine Optimization
      • better define key terms
      • simple title
      • appropriate description
  29. References to the authors website
    Mention of such details has the effect of confidence, because if an author's"famous" , visitors can experience and realize the legitimacy of which has developed the site.
  30. This option Site search
    In this way, visitors will easily find the information they need and will return with confidence to the site.
  31. Rewriting URLs on your site (if necessary)
    There are two reasons why this detail should not be forgotten. One of them is the search engine optimization, they will always easier indexing URLs shorter.Secondly, will make a clearer distinction of names and website pages will establish real links to keywords.
  32. Website in several languages
    Develop site available in several languages ​​- this will lead to an increase in the number of guests and their comfort.
  33. Removal of links leading to pages missing
    Not removing them, as well as various mistakes, negligence may be a sign to visitors that they will lose confidence in the legitimacy of your site.
  34. Promoting won prizes!
    Why not? They are a recognition of merits and efforts, which will bring you more traffic. Be sure to include a link to the official website of the organization that awarded - perhaps not everyone knows what it is about or against whom you compete.
  35. Shortest access time on the website
    In a world where speed is the key word and internet connections have been developed, but not at the masses, it should be noted that the website must load quickly, otherwise, there may be a risk that users to give up and go.
  36. Emails relating to transactions
    Such emails might say that playing the role of receipts, which gives more credibility.
  37. In-depth description of products / services sold
    Providing all necessary information to generate customers, certainly more sales. Also, you can create a page of frequently asked questions (FAQ) and a dedicated address, in case they have requested further details.
  38. Sense of humor online
    Even if it is a site whose profile is a business, do not forget humor. The degree to which it can be used is debatable, however, the basic rule is to know your audience. In any event, a relaxed style and text without excessive statements made or wooden language give online trust, as in any other situation.
In conclusion, we live in is a society in which credibility is becoming increasingly important, by all appearances, this concept is becoming increasingly applicable in the IT world. 

In the not too distant past, the computer world seem impenetrable to an area that people showed a certain reluctance. The evolution of electronic commerce has faced many obstacles, but has reached a stage of development that allows it to engage with people without much knowledge about the technology or the Internet. The more your site will be more easily perceived and recognized as an intimate familiarity with both will increase its credibility, visitors will have the confidence to place orders and recommend it to friends. 

Reputation and trust are built and hard to maintain but can be destroyed very easily.The difference from the competition is at the product - how good it is - but especially his ability to keep your promises.

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